Yikes! I have to admit that picture of me was taken almost a month ago. I am much BIGGER! I hear on a daily basis mostly at the restaurant. Wow, your ready to POP! I have about three weeks left of work which is starting to get a little hard on my feet, but it feels good to be active at work. Tee-ball started and Dexter is having a lot of fun at practice and playing with his dad. And here are some face shots of Baby No Name. Pretty cool! These were taken over a month ago too. Isn't she cute! I can't believe I only have about 5 weeks left. I am sure I will be more than ready but right now its fun feeling her kicks which are getting much stronger and her tiny little hiccups. Yes, we still havent decided on a name (or should I say agreed)I think we might just have to meet her first. Any sugestions???